特快航空              HK Speed Post / DHL

速遞公司                   順豐香港郵政
不限首1KG 首1KG 續1KG 首1KG 續1KG 首1KG  續1 KG
HKG4  2010  
china   1010  
Taiwan   3010  
macau   3010  
Europe 20080  15010
Australia 20080  15010
New Zealand 20080  15010
Canada 20080  15010
United States 20080  15010
Singapore   502010010
Japan   803010010
Korea   803010010

* All currency Dollar (HKD). 1 Hong Kong dollar = 0.85 Renminbi.
* All of the above fees include the our export customs clearance fees, packaging fees and registration fees (the local ordinary registered add $ 13).
* Overseas customer is required to pay for the additional tax. We can not determine whether you need to pay sales tax.
* Shipping method in addition to the local surface, are to 1kg as progressive units, when less than 1kg 1kg calculated.
* Each product will be displayed in the product page weight, guests checkout screen will automatically display the total weight and lists freight.
* The above price is not negotiable.